Q1: What is ATD? And why a help center to aid ATD is needed?

Check the About section.

Q2: I am an American who faces antisemitism every day. I am Jewish and afraid to share my religion with my friends and colleagues. Recently I encountered a person who chanted racist calls towards me - it wasn't a crime, but I felt unsafe. What can I do?

Stop Antisemitism NGO can help you immediately. Please reach them on: stopantisemitism.org

Q3: Following up Q2 - I am not American and facing the same issue, what can I do? 

Still, reach stopantisemitism.org - they may help. If not - we recommend you to look for alternatives in your location (law enforcement authorities maybe?).

Q4: Is ATD a real disease?

No. Read the disclaimer below. And if you still don't get it - probably we do not want to hang out with you because you cannot get a joke.

Q5: Are ATD sufferers stupid people?

There is no record of correlation between ATD condition and IQ level of humans. To respect our dear patients, we do not use the word "idiot", "stupid" or "moron" - our clinic is a safe environment! ATD sufferers are usually very politically correct, so we try not to annoy them too much because it can hurt the chances of healing success rate.

On the other hand, since we believe in truth seeking and questioning, we encourage you to research about this correlation. Try not to learn from Tyler Vigan correlations too much and when you do so we recommend listening to What's Up by 4 Non Blonds.